About the VoterSavvy.Org Community Information Platform for "We The People"

VoterSavvy.Org is a Web-enabled, Community Information System which provides our Subscribers and Chapter Members with Secure, private Communication Platform with information and alerts regarding current elections and other pressing community issues.


VoterSavvy.Org provides communities with an effective and non-partisan resource for long term accountability of elected officials and other civic / community public servants.

Non-Partisan - Constitutional Approach to Accountability

This Web-enabled Application is a Unique and Constitutional Approach which was designed to help Monitor and report sensitive local and State issues and is also used to Evaluate our Elected Officials actual job performance.


Our subscribers receive email notification regarding upcoming election times, seats, and relevant community issues.

Community Media Platform

VoterSavvy.Org is a Hybrid Community Media Platform created to help strengthen local communities by providing a single information resource which enables citizens to become more effective in our Constitutional Self Governing Order.

Voter Savvy Navigators

This private database and reporting site is maintained by local Voter Savvy Navigators chapter members and volunteers to help bring awareness of local issues and events, which impact our daily lives and our Historic American way of life.

Voter Savvy Navigators chapter members and volunteers also help gather the local issues and events information from the City, County and State archives. Chapter Members also post amd maintain the information in our proprietaty database.

About the Voter Savvy Navigators Chapters

VSN Chapters facilitate private community education and training which focuses on where Liberty and Justice originated, and the responsibilites of “We the People” in re-securing both in The United States of America.

The Voter Savvy Navigators Organization is positioned as community educational resource which promotes Constitutional, Bible based governing Order and the restoration of US Biblical Civics, the Rights and Obligations of the people, and a unique, Constitutional solution to Community Civics & the Accountability of elected officials.

Strengthen our Communities

VSN Chapters facilitate ongoing Bible classes & other resources to help strengthen communities regarding Biblical Unity and godly governing order.

Finally, and most important, we encourage all American Citizens to engage and persist in Biblical prayers of faith, for our entire Nation – and then –

"TRUST" our elected officials "BUT VERIFY" their actual effectiveness in office.

For more information about Voter Savvy Navigator Chapters, please visit : https://votersavvynavigators.org/wordpress1/

Voter Savvy Policies

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